Pining for the sound of vinyl or VHS? RC-20 does that, too. Organized as six modules - Noise, Wobble, Distortion, Digital, Space, and Magnetic - RC-20 Retro Color delivers crunchy, raw distortion and bit reduction that adds grit to kick drums and bass. XLN Audio’s RC-20 Retro Color Plug-in supplies you with a huge palette of vintage coloration effects that add texture and life to sterile recordings, enhancing your productions with the warm, inviting, compelling sound of vintage gear.

Official XLN Audio RC-20 Retro Color Description

I only recently purchased RC-20 on Sweetwater (available here) during the Black Friday sale, and while I’m just beginning to get my hands dirty with it, I’m extremely pleased this far. RC-20 excels in its ability to give an analog-modelled warmth (along with countless other) to any sound you put through the plugin. Over the last 12 or so months it’s become a staple, go-to plugin within the production community. You either were amazed by the functionality of RC-20 or had no idea it exists, there was really no in-between. XLN Audio’s RC-20 was a best kept secret in the producer community for awhile.