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Ps3 enslaved odyssey to the west download

This all seems strange considering the fact that the industry was experiencing a boom in first-person shooters when Bulletstorm dropped in 2011, although some of this apathy might have been explained by the fact that People Can Fly were experimenting with a new and unknown IP. Publishers EA bemoaned at the time that the game underperformed against expectations, not making the money expected of it and, according to some reports, not managing to turn a profit for the giant studio at all.

ps3 enslaved odyssey to the west download

It seems odd, in retrospect, that a game called Bulletstorm could fail to drum up significant attention to avoid its own publishers citing it as a disappointment. Set during the 26th century, People Can Fly’s hugely kinetic and explosive FPS follows space pirate Grayson Hunt after he is stranded on a hostile planet and tasked with tracking down a nefarious General responsible for tricking him into committing war crimes. With this list of the 10 most underrated PS3 games, we hope to do our bit to redress that balance. Sometimes this lack of recognition was utterly warranted, but it remains a sad fact that some games simply never got the credit they deserved despite their obvious qualities. Heavyweight blockbusters such as these may have stolen the headlines and charged ahead in the race for revenue and sales, but there were countless other releases that slipped under the mainstream radar. Massive AAA heavy hitters such as GTA V, The Last of Us, Arkham City, the first three Uncharted games, not to mention Skyrim, Fallout: New Vegas and Dark Souls, cemented the seventh generation as a golden age of gaming. Those halcyon days of seventh generation console gaming feel like an eternity ago for many, but looking back at the annals of history reveals a litany of classic games that seemed, at the time at least, like they could never be bettered.

Ps3 enslaved odyssey to the west download